Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cry for Diviine Intervention

God, You read the words I just wrote and most importantly you know the thoughts that have consumed my mind this past month. First of all, God please forgive for those thoughts that were sinful and not from you. Forgive me for those thoughts that were unloyal and unfaithful to Cooper, I know I've had them. God I'm just so lost and confused right now. I don't know what the right thing is to do. I just don't want to be in a "fake" relationship with Cooper. He deserves someone who is as completely in love with him as he is with me. Maybe I am that person, but Lord I need some completeness. Rawley was one of my best friends, and well you know what impact and high importance he held in my life. God I just simply can't forget him. I just want to know if we are meant to stay friends or if there really is something more, but I don't want that to destroy our relationship. Along with that, I don't want to break Cooper's heart. I know if he knew what I was thinking and had written I would completely break him down...God you know the passion, dreams, and desires in my heart. God I want you and need you to help me to determine which parts of my heart are deceiving me. God I need peace. I need to trust you. I want to be in your will God. I just don't know which way I am to go. I'm so afraid of hurting people and making a decision that will completely change my future. God help me to trust you and to open my eyes to see where you are leading me. God help me to follow you. And lastly thank you for loving me unconditonally and for forgiving me. Thank you for always be here for me, no matter if the two people I am talking about leave me I will always have you on my side. Thank you God just please help me to see what you want me to see and to think your thoughts. God I need you and I need your help. Please God help me to see what you want me to do. In your name I pray, amen.

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